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Alien Centre Empty Alien Centre

Post by Tanaya Thu May 05, 2011 11:03 am


It was late at night on the planet Okra and Asuka was stood out in the field near to her cart that she had packed, of which it seemed she was going on a trip with all the lugage in the back of her cart.
Tommy walked across the field toward Asuka and noticed everything in the cart.
"You off again?" Tommy asked Asuka.
"Yeah so no more dinosaur talk from you for a while" Asuka replied.
"You know Asuka I got to ask you a favour" Tommy began.
"What?" Asuka asked.
"I think I have a problem at my school" Tommy said.
"With what?" Asuka asked.
"Bullying" Tommy replied.

Asuka and Tommy had headed away from the field and back toward the main school, of whcih Tommy had explained that since a red haired alien had arrived at the school there had been nothing but trouble and many of the students at the school were now terrifed of this alien. Apparently from what Tommy had told Asuka though, no one would actually confirm that it was the new red haired alien Loobeedoo because they were too scared to admit who had been bullying them as though they'd get something far worse if they told anyone and clearly those people were terrified to come forth and give the name of the person that had bullied and apparently threatened them.
When they arrived at the school someone was banging on the grid to the ventilation shaft.
Asuka rushed over and pulled the grid off the ventilation shaft, of which one of the students climbed out of the ventilation shaft.
"What are you doing in there?" Asuka asked.
"I was pushed in here and I was really scared, if I say who did this they'll come and do all kinds of terrible things to me" the student said and he did appear to be very frightened indeed.
"This is serious" Tommy said.
"Hmm...I think I may know a way to contact the LittleBigPlanet Rangers though I'm not sure they'll be interested in any school bullying but this seems far worse than school bullying" Asuka said.
"Yeah I think school bullying is just the start" Tommy replied.

Aboard the LittleBigPlanet Rangers' spaceship, Loopy was sat at the teleport control desk, iSlayer was stood at the flight-monitoring desk. Elsa and Spa were sat at the table on the flight deck while TIL and Draden were sat opposite one another.
TIL was looking at Draden rather suspiciously.
"What?" Draden asked rather annoyed.
"Your face, it's ugly" TIL said.
Draden sighed annoyed.
Spa and Elsa heard TIL and saw what was happening, of which Spa had her back turned to them so she had turned round to see what was happening and then sighed as she turned back toward Elsa.
"It's nice to see TIL settling down more and making friends but his hate for Draden certainly hasn't changed" Spa said.
"Those two are going to be enemies for a very long time" Elsa said.
"I think you're right" Spa said.
"Information there is a disturbance on the planet Okra, Asuka reports that there is a very bad case of school bullying and is suspected that an alien called Loobeedoo is behind the bullying but without proof no one can do anything and the victimised people dare not say who has been bullying and threatening them" SackRacer explained.
"All right SackRacer you don't have to talk like a computer anymore we know you're a real person so you can talk like one" Loopy said.
"Confirmed" SackRacer replied.
"Okra's my planet so I'll investigate" Loopy insisted.
"I'll go too, there's no age limit at school on that planet, everyone has to go to school until they've passed their exams according to the computer data so I should be able to pass for a student. According to information on the computer it's been known for people to be more than fifty years old before they can actually leave school there" Elsa explained.
"That's because the school system on Okra sucks" Loopy said.
"That Tommy will probably sneak you in but there is a dinosaur test coming up so even transfer students will have to take part" SackRacer explained.
"Great" Elsa said sarcastically.
"Yeah I love dinosaur stuff" Loopy said excitedly.
"SackRacer head for Okra immediately" Draden ordered.
"Confirmed" SackRacer said.
"Yeah Draden should go down and confront this Loobeedoo so Loobeedoo can give him a few hard kicks and punches that he deserves" TIL teased Draden.
"You mean you" Draden snapped back in anger.
TIL and Draden continued to argue and insult each other as the spaceship headed toward the planet Okra.

On the planet Okra there were a couple of students that were standing alone in the corridor of which Loobeedoo walked on to the corridor but as people had said he had bright red hair.
"Hello" Loobeedoo called out to get attention.
The two students looked round but when they saw Loobeedoo they ran off frightened.
Loobeedoo sighed in annoyance.
To Be Continued...

Last edited by Elsa on Tue May 10, 2011 9:59 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added Topic Description)

Posts : 43
Join date : 2011-05-03
Planet of Origin: : Zeronite

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Alien Centre Empty Under Cover

Post by Tanaya Thu May 05, 2011 11:27 am


The following day Tommy entered his main science classroom, of which the class were all sitting chattering in the room.
"Silence" Tommy called out.
Several of the students instantly went quiet but a few more continue to talk.
"Right detentions go out to Melissa, Michelle, Alexandra, Allison and Nikka" Tommy called out, of which the names he'd called out were the students that were still talking.
The students quickly went quiet but he still wrote them out a detention slip and put them on their desks.
"Now we have some science transfer students here today that will be joining our science class" Tommy said. He walked back over to the door and beckoned some people inside.
Elsa, Loopy and Blueninja entered the room.
"Elsa, LooptheLoopy and Blueninja are now joining out science class and what a fantastic day to join, you have a treat today, yes a great treat there's a dinosaur test today" Tommy said.
The class moaned.
"You should be excited not moaning" Tommy said to the class and then he turned toward the LittleBigPlanet Rangers.
"Please take your seats" Tommy said to them.
They found a seat in the class, of which Blueninja decided to sit at a desk next to Loobeedoo that seemed to be rather isolated in the middle of the room.
Loobeedoo looked round at Blueninja and smiled at him.
Blueninja quickly looked away, if rumours were correct and Loobeedoo was the bully then he was probably up to something.
As time went by Tommy gave the class a quiz sheet to fill, of which at the end of the class he called everyone's attention and asked them to give out how many answers they'd got right one by one.
"Melissa" Tommy called out.
"All twenty of them sir" Melissa said.
"Excellent you may" Tommy said and then he turned toward the next student Michelle.
"Michelle" Tommy asked.
"All twenty of them sir" Michelle replied.
"Excellent you may go" Tommy said and then he turned toward Loobeedoo that was next on his list.
"Loobeedoo" Tommy called out.
"Twelve sir" Loobeedoo replied.
"Right, it might be lunch time but you're going to get to the library and do some studying you poor learner, you've been studying dinosaurs for a while and still haven't learned" Tommy moaned.
"Sorry sir, I'll do some more research after my lunch in the library" Loobeedoo promised.
"Fine you may leave and have your lunch" Tommy said.
"Thank you sir" Loobeedoo replied and he left the class.
"Loopy" Tommy said as he looked at Loopy.
"All twenty sir, I just love dinosaur stuff" Loopy said happily.
"Great stuff Loopy you may leave" Tommy said and then he turned toward Blueninja.
"Blueninja" Tommy said.
"Eight sir" Blueninja said.
"Yeah well you are a transfer student I guess they didn't teach you much dinosaur stuff at your last school" Tommy said.
"They focused their science more on astrology and astronomy sir" Blueninja explained.
"I'll let you off then, you may go but I'll be expecting a better performance on your next test" Tommy insisted.
"Yes sir" Blueninja replied.
Tommy then turned toward Elsa.
"Elsa" Tommy asked.
"Uh...oh...uh..." Elsa was stalling.
"Don't tell me you only got one right" Tommy said.
"Well umm..." Elsa continued to stall.
"Well I suppose that one is better than none" Tommy said.
"Actually I didn't even get one right sir" Elsa admitted.
"What?" Tommy snapped.
"I'm sorry sir, I've never been good at dinosaur stuff" Elsa said apologetically.
Tommy looked around but everyone else in the class was now gone and the classroom door was shut with no one around.
"Well while you're here under cover you can learn some stuff now go and find me proof that Loobeedoo is the bully so I can do some disciplinary with him" Tommy ordered Elsa.
"Yes sir" Elsa replied and she left the room.

As Elsa walked down the corridors of the school building she walked on to a quiet corridor but when she arrived on the corridor Loobeedoo was fighting Melissa on the corridor.
Michelle and Nikka were stood back watching the fight.
Loobeedoo and Melissa were both punching and kicking each other and both appeared to be as good as each.
Loobeedoo finally managed to push Melissa back slightly, of which he opened his mouth and loud terrifying inhuman sound came out of his mouth that was so loud and alien that three girls quickly ran off before Melissa continued fighting.
Elsa remained in the corridor rather shocked, of which Loobeedoo turned round toward Elsa.
Blueninja quickly arrived in the corridor in front of Elsa and he drew his sword that he had hidden discretly under his ninja cloak.
Loobeedoo gave out another alien noise and then he transformed into a ball shaped creature and quickly rolled off down the corridor away from them.
"He really is an alien and by the looks of it he's starting fights with the students" Elsa said.
"Yeah, luckily for you I showed up" Blueninja said.
"Yeah thanks, who knows what would have happened the alien looks exceedingly dangerous and I'd probably gather that once it's satisified with bullying students it'll go on to bullying other people and eventually to something much higher" Elsa explained.
"You mean like taking over the planet?" Blueninja asked.
"That's exactly what I'm thinking" Elsa said.
"Same here, we got a find a way to stop that evil alien Loobeedoo before its too late, perhaps its most recent victims might actually speak up" Blueninja suggested.
"Some of those girls seemed strong and tough but they fled in terror when Loobeedoo made that alien sound and if they've seen him morph" Elsa said.
"Yeah this is no longer a case of school bullying an alien wouldn't be interested in just school bullying this is a warm up to soemthing much bigger" Blueninja said.
"And we must stop it before its too late" Elsa replied.
To Be Continued...

Posts : 43
Join date : 2011-05-03
Planet of Origin: : Zeronite

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Alien Centre Empty More Bullies?

Post by Tanaya Thu May 05, 2011 11:51 am


Elsa was sat in the canteen at school with Blueninja and Loopy, of which they were sat a quiet table in a corner of the cafeteria.
"So Loobeedoo is the alien bully?" Loopy asked.
"No doubt about it, it was of course all rumours but it seems the rumours are correct" Elsa said.
"Besides if three humans are standing in a corridor with one alien that can transform into some scary ball shaped creature and making a really scary sound who do you think started the fight hey? The humans or the scary sounding and looking alien" Blueninja responded.
"You have a point" Loopy replied.
Several people were queueing for their lunch at the time but when Loobeedoo arrived and got his tray and stuff everyone waiting for their food quickly moved out of the way.
"No it's all right really I can queue like the rest of you" Loobeedoo explained politely.
"No please you go first, we don't mind really" one of the students said politely.
"Yes please you go first" another student beckoned him.
"All right then thank you how very kind of you" Loobeedoo said and he went straight for his food and then to the counter to pay for his food.
Loopy, Blueninja and Elsa had all been watching but they hadn't heard what had been said.
"I don't know what's been said but those students seem scared almost as if they have to let Loobeedoo go first" Blueninja said.
"Weird I'm sure he didn't look as though he threatened them or anything" Elsa said.
"Well he's still our alien school bully but still we need more proof rather than just our own assumptions first so keep your eye out though I'm pretty sure it is Loobeedoo I'm going to try and keep a watch on him" Loopy insisted.
Once Elsa had finished her dinner she left the cafeteria and walke down a corridor, of which Michelle, Melissa and Nikka were standing in the corridor.
"Well look if it isn't Elsa, I heard you did really bad in the dinosaur test and yet I also heard you were supposed to be a scientist. What kind of scientist would get such a bad grade on a dinosaur test?" Michelle teased her.
"Well you see that's where part of your information is wrong I want to be a scientist but at the schools I went to they never taught dinosaur stuff in science and palaeontology is all part of science as well so I was sent here to learn in that area. I must learn and pass this area before I can get my doctorate" Elsa explained.
"Face it human you are a failure" Michelle said as she advanced toward Elsa.
"You're not exactly very friendly are you?" Elsa said to Michelle.
"We're not very friendly because we rule this school and everyone must bow to our will and that includes you" Melissa said.
"Now kneel before you masters" Michelle ordered.
"You may look human but you are not human are you?" Elsa questioned them.
"No we came from another planet just like Loobeedoo only we don't look quite as obvious as being aliens as Loobeedoo and we will eventually enforce our will upon Loobeedoo it is only a matter of time that freak isn't going to intimidate us forever" Michelle insisted.
"I've got news, you don't intimidate me either" Elsa said.
Michelle stepped up directly in front of Elsa and swung a fist at Elsa's face but Elsa ducked the strike and kicked Michelle in the chest with her right foot however Elsa's attack didn't seem to have any effect on Michelle.
Michelle laughed.
"You see inferior human we are much stronger than humans, hitting one of you would well to you feel like you've been hit by a very large rock on the other hand a hit from you is only a tickle to us and that's exactly what you're kick just did a tickle though it wasn't quite ticklish enough for me to laugh but almost" Michelle said.
A strange noise came from near by of which Elsa looked round a huge ball shaped creature came flying through the air and hit Michelle in the face, of which Michelle cried out in pain and dropped to the floor.
The ball shaped creature landed on the floor and transformed to reveal it was Loobeedoo, of which Loobeedoo opened his mouth and gave out the strange alien noise.
Michelle got to her feet and ran off, of which Melissa and Nikka also ran away.
Loobeedoo turned toward Elsa.
"Thanks" Elsa said politely.
Loobeedoo was about to speak when Loopy attacked him and ended up on the floor on top of him.
"Picking on Elsa now we shall soon see what you're made of you evil alien" Loopy snapped angrily as she pinned Loobeedoo to the floor.
"Loopy don't, leave him alone" Elsa called out.
"Don't be frightened Elsa I will deal with this scumbag he'll be no more threat to you" Loopy said.
"I said leave him alone" Elsa said and she forcefully pulled Loopy off him.
Loobeedoo got his feet, he morphed and quickly rolled off down the corridor.
Loopy watched and then turned back toward Elsa rather annoyed.
"Why I almost had him?" Loopy asked.
"Loobeedoo is not the alien bully, he just protected me and saved me from the real bullise" Elsa explained.
"Then..." Loopy began but she lost her words.
"Loobeedoo is trying to protect the students that are being bullied but he's only seen as being alien and since the bullies are aliens themselves despite the fact that Loobeedoo is trying to protect them they are just as much frightened of him as they are the real bullies" Elsa explained.
"Then I guess I owe him an apology" Loopy said.
"I'm sure he'll understand he's probably used to the hate and fear by now, that's why he's so lonely" Elsa explained.
"You're not serious" Loopy asked. She could tell with the way that Elsa spoke that Elsa wanted to see Loobeedoo again and actually talk to him.
"Yes, we need to talk" Elsa insisted.
Elsa looked around but Loobeedoo was long gone, it could be a very difficult task finding Loobeedoo in that school but somehow she felt that somehow Loobeedoo may be the key to finding out what is going off around the school.
To Be Continued...

Last edited by Tanaya on Fri May 06, 2011 10:47 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling Mistakes)

Posts : 43
Join date : 2011-05-03
Planet of Origin: : Zeronite

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Alien Centre Empty Shadow-Flyer Help

Post by Tanaya Thu May 05, 2011 12:29 pm


Elsa walked down a corridor of the school alone, of which the corridor was quiet and empty but as she passed another corridor Loobeedoo stepped out behind her. Elsa turned round.
"You're the person to thank me for protecting them, is there any chance that maybe we can be friends?" Loobeedoo asked.
"Loobeedoo, just the person I was looking for and yes I do hope that we can be friends" Elsa replied.
"Yaaaay, it's been so long since I've had a friend that goes back to my days when I was transformed into a Shadow-Flyer, a hot Shadow-Flyer to be more exact" Loobeedoo replied.
"What's a Shadow-Flyer?" Elsa asked.
"Well you've basically seen it all I may look human but I have a creature living inside of me and that's the creature you've seen me transform into. We have become one together but it's not dangerous but right now I has concerns what those alien girls are up to. Their strength is not human and they are not being friendly to people, they hurting people and threatening them" Loobeedoo explained.
"I'm sorry about my friend Loopy she thought you were going to attack me" Elsa explained apologetically.
"I understand I know you're not a real transfer student you're investigating the bullying here aren't you?" Loobeedoo asked.
"How'd you know that?" Elsa asked.
"I saw that you were a scientist and that you were really not very good at dinosaur stuff and if you grew up here on this world if you were into science at all it would be most like palaeontology than anything else" Loobeedoo explained.
"Dinosaur stuff" Elsa said.
"Exactly those alien girls are strong and in fact they are right when they say that to a normal human it would feel like they are being hit by a huge rock because I have felt their power myself but I can be just as strong. Shadow-Flyer gives me what people perceive as superhuman abilities plus I'm a Shadow-Flyer from a hot climate so I can survive in really hot temperatures as well as create my own fire and electricity. So what's the catch you ask? Well I can't freeze enemies like the Shadow-Flyer from the cold climate and I can't survive in cold temperatures, even cold temperatures that normal humans can survive in I can't" Loobeedoo explained.
"Wow that all sounds amazing" Elsa said.
"Yeah but I'm having to use my Shadow-Flyer abilities around here a lot to protect innocents and the people I save think I'm just as bad or perceive me as being scary. You're the first person that ever thanked me for saving them. Most people run away from me scared as well" Loobeedoo explained.
"Well I suppose that alien noise you make and your abilities are quite frightening to people but I tend to discover that those with stronger powers tend to abuse them rather than be nice with them so chances are you're more likely to threaten and strike out rather than be peaceful and polite so I don't think you are abusive of your power and abilities I think you're one of those that uses it wisely" Elsa explained.
"Thank you I'm not entirely sure whether I make the right decisions and stuff but I always do what I think is best" Loobeedoo said.
"Best thing to do is just listen to your heart" Elsa said.
"That's exactly what I do" Loobeedoo replied.
"So what to do now?" Elsa asked.
"About the bullies I know where they are going to be after school, in the library I'll see you there now is our chance to stasnd up against them, get your friends there too" Loobeedoo said and then he walked off down a corridor.

Elsa, Blueninja and Loopy made their way to the library at the end of the day, of which Blueninja and Loopy were rather resistant they felt that they could be walking into a trap but Elsa felt certain that Loobeedoo could be trusted so she managed to convince them to come.
They quickly entered the library of which Michelle, Melissa and Nikka were already in the library with two students standing in the library.
"Now you must kneel" Michelle ordered them.
"Oh no please" one of the students begged.
"You know what happens to those that do not obey? Would you like another trip to the hospital like last time?" Melissa asked the student.
The two students quickly dropped to their knees.
"Now you're both going to spend the night in the school library on your knees" Michelle insisted.
"Oh come on we need sleep" the second student said.
"You'll sleep on your knees" Melissa said, she opened her mouth and spat a cocoon out of her mouth that cover the second student.
Michelle did the same with the first student.
"What have you done? I can't move" the first student panicked.
"We could always kill you and that's exactly what we will do if you ever dare to mention any of our names but you will pay in pain before you die" Michelle threatened them.
Loobeedoo entered the library at that point and walked into the area.
Michelle, Melissa and Nikka looked round.
"Might have guessed you'd be here I heard you threatening them to come to the library tonight I guess I got here a little too late" Loobeedoo said.
"You can't stop us, the bullying here is just the beginning once we have control over the students we'll start on the outside world and eventually we'll have this entire planet on its knees. Now come join with us Loobeedoo" Melissa said.
"Why would I want to do that?" Loobeedoo asked.
"For power not to mention how much fun it is picking and beating up on these poor defenceless human beings that simply cannot defend against the pain we inflict" Melissa explained.
"This ends here and now you must stop this and think about other people, would you like it if an alien race stronger than you did this to you?" Loobeedoo asked.
"If there is a stronger alien race then so be it, but the stronger the race the more power they should have and we'll teach these humans who is the strongest" Melissa insisted.
"There's no talking any sense into you two is there?" Loobeedoo asked.
"We enjoy the pain we inflict upon these humans and making them do horrible things in their fear of us is really hillarious" Melissa said.
Loobeedoo transformed into his shadow-Flyer form.
The littlebigplanet rangers quickly looked away but when they turned back round the sight that greeted them wasn't the most nicest of sights.
"They didn't even taste very nice" Loobeedoo moaned.
"You ate them?" Elsa snapped as she advanced toward Loobeedoo.
"Yeah the creature inside of me took control and decided to munch on them, I've never known the creature to do that before but well they were strong and even I can't deal with them any other way besides eating them in my Shadow-Flyer form" Loobeedoo said.
"What about us" one of the students asked.
Loobeedoo turned round and threw a piece of fire out of his hand at the coocoon surrounded the student, of which the coocoon fell apart enabling the student to get away and then Loobeedoo repeated the same action with the other student.
The two students quickly ran away.
"Maybe it was the only way to deal with them" Elsa said after a short silence.
"It was, my leader Morgana got together a small crew to fly a spaceship and Michelle and Melissa had good qualifications and backgrounds but I guess they were faked. When they started up their plans and revealed their actions and intentions well Morgana fled and me I was too cowardly to do anything so i've just stuck with them like a coward" Nikka explained.
"Well you're safe now, I wondered why you hung with them and never actually did anything I guess you were scared of them too" Loobeedoo said.
"Yes since their identities were forged I'm probably guessing they were a couple of terrorists from our home planet that insisted that they should be the dominant life form in the universe particularly over humans they call humans weak. Sure we are much stronge but that is all it's just what we are we shouldn't take advantage of that and try to inflict our will upon others" Nikka explained.
"Exactly right Nikka" Loobeedoo said.
"If you wish to punish me for what they did then go ahead, I understand" Nikka said.
"I'm not going to hurt you Nikka, you did the right thing they would have turned again you and maybe even killed you. You are safe now go and do as you wish" Loobeedoo said.
"Thank you" Nikka said gratefully.
"You are both welcome to join us if you like, we're the LittleBigPlanet Rangers" Elsa offered.
"Thanks that's very kind but I must find Morgana and together we'll return back to our planet and set up another expedition of space exploration and this time with people that can definitely be trusted" Nikka said and she walked off.
"I'll join you rangers, I came here by accident and that Tommy is real mean he puts his students in detention a lot. I've already passed most of the subjects here on this planet and gained Okran Qualifications but Tommy is a real bad teacher and just teaches the same old boring dinosaur stuff over and over again. Since his lessons are so boring it's hard to really learn from him and unfortunately it's up to the teachers on this planet to give you pass on your qualification and quiz you on the topics. Everyone is struggling in Tommy's lesson" Loobeedoo explained.
"Not surprising" Elsa replied.
"Welcome Loobeedoo and I apologise I badly misjudged you" Loopy said apologetically.
"Everyone does but I understand now let's morph and get to another planet" Loobeedoo said excitedly. He morphed and quickly rolled off out of the library.
"Does he really think we can do that?" Blueninja asked.
"I wish I could do that, check out his speed in that ball shaped creature, I couldn't even run that fast" Elsa said.
"Let's try and find him" Loopy said.
Blueninja, Elsa and Loopy went after Loobeedoo.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2011-05-03
Planet of Origin: : Zeronite

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