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The LBN Finale

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The LBN Finale  Empty The LBN Finale

Post by Elsa Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:41 am


Mr. Genji, EnochRoot and Mr. War were sat in the back of a van on the planet Earth, it was dark and there was no one around on the streets.
"You know when this war is over I'm going to be the only one left alive because I simply am the best and you guys all suck" Mr. Genji said.
"Oy, that's my line sucker" EnochRoot snapped.
"Who do you think you two are? I'm the best, you guys are the ones that suck" Mr. War snapped.
Sakura stepped on to the street and walked down the road to her house.
"Let's get her, next victim Sakura" Mr. Genji said and he looked at a notepad he had in his hand.
"Looks like that's all of the main LBN members then apart from the ones that their IP addresses don't seem to match to Earth" Mr. Genji concluded.
"That's because you can't tell the difference between an Earth location and a Mars location because you suck so much" Mr. War said and he laughed.
EnochRoot laughed as well.
"I don't know what you're laughing at EnochRoot, if you didn't suck so much you'd be doing that job" Mr. War snapped angrily.
"And if you didn't suck so much then you wouldn't need anyone to do the job" EnochRoot replied and he laughed.
Mr. Genji also joined in on the laughter.
"All right that's enough, let's get out and grab Sakura" Mr. War said.
Mr. War, Mr. Genji and EnochRoot got out of the van and walked up to Sakura, completely blocking the pathway.
"Excuse me gentlemen, would you please get out of my way" Sakura asked them politely.
They all laughed at Sakura almost like it was some sort of joke.
"I see this is going to be difficult, perhaps I should call the police" Sakura said.
"Your coming with us now we can do this the hard way or the easy way it's entirely your choice" EnochRoot said.
The three of them giggled.
Sakura turned away and ran away in fright.
The three of them ran after her and soon there was a scream from the distance, the scream was from Sakura.

The following day the van arrived outside of a large abandoned warehouse that looked anything but abandoned.
B-Coli arrived at the entrance to greet them.
EnochRoot, Mr. Genji, Mr. War and Sakura all got out of the van and walked up to the entrance.
"This is our base of operation" EnochRoot explained to Sakura.
"It sucks, just like you" Sakura said and she laughed.
Mr. War and Mr. Genji also laughed.
They soon reached the entrance of the building where B-Coli was waiting.
"All newbies suck" B-Coli said and he laughed.
"I'm new so I'm great, it's everyone else that suck" Sakura replied.
As they walked inside they walked into a large room with that filled with computers and hi-tech technology, some of the technology didn't even look like anything from Earth it looked so advanced and alien.
FlyingIrishMan walked up to the group with a smile on his face.
"We finally got a trace on that sucky Elsa, apparently she's had to move home because her friends have fallen out with her and no one wants her so we got her location now, you can get her" FlyingIrishMan explained.
"Good, that's another we can cross off our list, what sucky friends she has" Mr. Genji said.
"Well they probably just realised how much she sucks" FlyingIrishMan said.
"Well they suck for not realising until now" EnochRoot said and he laughed.
"They all suck because they don't realise that they suck just as much as Elsa" Sakura said and she laughed.
"Well me and Mr. Genji will get that sucky Elsa, she's a weakling she will be no bother" EnochRoot said.
"Yeah, it'll be a piece of cake" Mr. Genji said.
"I'll go with you just to make sure" Mr. War said.
"Fine" Mr. Genji replied.

Mr. War, Mr. Genji and EnochRoot arrived at a small run down hut very far from any town and stepped up toward the small run down hut.
"Looks very old and small, probably hasn't been lived in for years, just perfect for a sucker like Elsa" Mr. Genji said almost laughing.
"Yeah perhaps now we'll get her friends one by one when they all betray each other because they realise how much they all suck, now we got Elsa in the bag she can't possibly escape" Mr. War said.
"She deserves better friends than that" EnochRoot said.
"Yeah she deserves a friend like me not like you suckers" Mr. War said.
"We're all friends it's just that you guys suck" Mr. Genji said.
"Well even betrayed by her sucky friends she still visits the forum, we now have all the main forum members from all the forums on this planet under our control right from the sucky gaming forums, to sucky TV show forums and so on, we spread like wildfire but a few of those LBN members of ours just happen to be hard to find" EnochRoot said.
"Yeah we should spread out just in case Elsa tries to escape, she'd be much better off being like us and being our friend rather than being the sucker she is, always so nice to everyone and full of wisdom, the difference between right and wrong, the difference between different types of critism, different types of game types and so forth. She has such a high understanding of how people feel, well she won't understand how we feel that's for sure" Mr. War said and he laughed.
The three of them quickly spread out to attack from different directions of the hut to make sure that Elsa could not escape.
Mr. Genji kicked the back door in and headed inside.
Mr. War kicked the front door in and headed inside.
EnochRoot smashed a window from the outside and climbed inside.
There was just one room inside of the small hut. There were boxes and clutter all over the floor but it was clear that Elsa was alone in the hut. She was sat at a table at a computer with the LittleBigNetwork site up on the computer.
"Now we got you Sucker Elsa" Mr. Genji said and he grinned.
"Now you will join us and bring us your friends" EnochRoot insisted.
To Be Continued...
Super Ranger
Super Ranger

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Age : 40
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The LBN Finale  Empty The Trap

Post by Elsa Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:24 am


Elsa got up from the chair that she was sat, Mr. Genji was stood to one side of her while Mr. War was stood to the other and EnochRoot was standing behind her but directly in front of Elsa was just a wall so she had nowhere to run to.
"Don't even think of trying to escape Elsa because you can't, you're trapped" EnochRoot said.
Elsa turned round to EnochRoot with a smile on her face.
"On the contrary gentlemen, I have been waiting very patiently, in fact I have been expecting you" Elsa replied.
"Huh" EnochRoot gasped.
"And so have I" Draden said as he let go of a beam that was on the ceiling that he'd been holding on to and he kicked EnochRoot at the back of his head as he jumped down from the beam.
Spa got up from behind an empty crate that was in the room and hit Mr. Genji in the head with her sceptre.
Mr. Genji cried out in pain.
Mr. Genji bent over in pain but while he was bent over he hit Spa in the stomach with his right fist.
Spa cried out in pain and bent over.
Mr. Genji got back up to his feet and ran off.
Looptheloopy snuck up behind Mr. War and tapped him on the shoulder.
Mr. War just ran off frightened and followed after Mr. Genji.
Mr. Genji got into the van that was outside and was about to drive off when Mr. War approached.
"Wait for me" Mr. War cried out.
"Hurry up sucker" Mr. Genji said.
Looptheloopy and Spa quickly got to their feet and ran after them but by the time they got out of the hut they were both leaving in the van.
"They got away" Looptheloopy moaned.
"At least we got EnochRoot, an examination will tell us what's wrong with them" Spa said.
"I bet it's a mind control drug" Looptheloopy said.
"I sure hope so" Elsa said.
Why do you hope?" Draden asked.
"Because if it's not a mind control drug then I'd hate to think just what it is" Elsa replied.

B-Coli was waiting at the LBN base when Mr. Genji and Mr. War returned without EnochRoot of which B-Coli looked stunned.
"Where's EnochRoot" B-Coli asked.
"It was an ambush, we got and trapped Elsa all right but what we didn't know is that we were walking straight into a trap, they got EnochRoot" Mr. Genji said.
"We should hurry and convert the last 7% of this population, once that is completed we'll have 90% of the Earth's population under our control and then we can have a real war to see just who is the best and who the losers are" Mr. War explained.
They all laughed.

Elsa was sat at a table in the main laboratory aboard the spaceship examing EnochRoot's blood and tissue, she'd just finished when Draden entered the laboratory.
"Any luck?" Draden asked.
"Unfortunately yes" Elsa replied.
"Why is that unfortunate? They're just drugged aren't they?" Draden asked.
"Yes and no" Elsa replied.
"What do you mean yes and no?" Draden asked.
"They've been injected with alien DNA, which has made a slight change in their blood stream but unfortunately the alien DNA is from a dead race of aliens that hated upon everyone, even themselves and soon became a destroyed race through their hate toward each other" Elsa explained.
"And you found all this out through the blood?" Draden asked.
"I took the blood sample and ran it through the computer, SackRacer identified the alien blood in the blood stream that is linked in with this evil alien race" Elsa explained.
"Can they be cured?" Draden asked.
"Yes, I've already injected a virus into EnochRoot that will destroy the alien DNA in his body and yes to some extent you could say we have to poison them to heal them, the only way to restore them to normal is to destroy the alien DNa within them" Elsa explained.
"But the aliens that started this just used LBN as it's base of operation to begin, they've spread to many other forums and even actual people on the planet Earth, how in the world are we going to know who is infected and needs the cure" Draden asked.
"That's got me baffled, I have no idea, we can only hope that when EnochRoot comes round he'll also remember his time under the alien influence too so he knows who has been infected, that way curing them will be easy" Elsa explained.
Draden walked over to EnochRoot and looked down at him.
EnochRoot woke up in the bed that he was in and looked round.
"Where am I? Where is that crazed Mr. Genji?" EnochRoot asked.
"Hello Mr. EnochRoot, I'm Draden from LBN, do you remember what's happened to you?" Draden asked.
"Of course I do, Mr. Genji was telling people they suck so I banned him and then he confronted me about it and then I woke up here" EnochRoot explained.
"They have no conscious while the alien is in control" Elsa mumbled quietly to herself.
"Did you say something?" EnochRoot asked Elsa.
"Oh no, I'm sorry, please forgive me I was just thinking to myself very quietly but I'm sure you'll be fine and fit to get back to LBN in no time at all" Elsa said.
"How is LBN doing? Did Mr. Genji get back on? He was sure mad at me for banning him over his bad actions, he was a friend but even as a friend I simply could not allow that besides it didn't seem like Mr. Genji at all, I actually presumed that someone actually hacked his account" EnochRoot said.
"Excuse us EnochRoot" Draden said politely and he stepped to one side of the room.
Elsa followed.
"What should we tell him?" Draden asked quietly.
"I don't know, I don't think we should tell him that some alien being was controlling him, I would think that would really upset him if he knew he'd been controlled by some alien force but he's going to find something out when he realises that he's posted messages on people's profiles on LBN about them sucking" Elsa explained.
"Perhaps we should tell him that his account was hacked" Draden suggested.
"That's probably the best idea, what he doesn't know won't hurt him and I think it would hurt a lot more for him to know he was controlled by an evil alien parasite that has total war and destruction in mind" Elsa replied.
"What are you two hiding from me?" EnochRoot called out with interest.
"Oh nothing EnochRoot it's just that your account on LBN was hacked and well, the person that hacked your account posted a lot of messages telling people how much they suck on LBN" Draden explained.
"Well in that case I hope the mods did their job and banned me" EnochRoot said.
"Umm..." Draden began but he didn't know what to say.
"Some of the other moderators had their accounts hacked as well and did exactly the same thing" Elsa explained.
"Too many hackers, what is it that's happened to me that you're both too nice to not want to tell me the truth? I don't care if it hurts, I want the truth" EnochRoot insisted.
"Well uh..." Elsa began but she didn't want to tell him either.
"Yes uh..." Draden tried to start to explain but he couldn't bring himself to it either.
"All right no need to tell me if it hurts you that much to tell me, I'll just pretend that nothing happened and just get some rest here for the time being, I do of course take it that that's all right" EnochRoot said.
"Of course it is, you may rest for as long as you need EnochRoot, please do not force yourself to get up until you feel ready for it, you are more than welcome to stay here until you wish to return home" Elsa explained.
"Yes we'll be off to the flight deck now but you stay here and rest we'll be back later, will you be needing anything when we return" Draden asked.
"No thank you, you have both already been too kind" EnochRoot said gratefully.

Elsa and Draden were soon on the flight deck, Spa, Blueninja and Looptheloopy were on the flight deck when they returned.
EnochRoot had followed Elsa and Draden to the flight deck but he kept out of sight.
"So what did you find out?" Spa asked Elsa when she and Draden arrived on the flight deck.
"EnochRoot was injected by alien DNA and in fact was being controlled by an evil alien force" Elsa explained.
"Alien DNA, alien possession" EnochRoot mumbled quietly to himself laughing quietly.
"Information all the millitary forces on Earth are preparing to wage war against each other, they all have a countdown to start a huge world war against each other" SackRacer explained.
"I suppose that's to do with the alien DNA too" EnochRoot muttered quietly to himself, still almost laughing.
"Is there no way we can do something to neutralise the alien DNA in those poor unsuspecting people?" Draden asked.
"I don't know, I'm so sorry" Elsa said.
"It's not your fault Elsa, it's Mr. Hamster he started it, he must have been one of those aliens" 'Draden said.
"Of course, the alien DNA must have come from Mr. Hamster" Elsa realised.
"I don't suppose that helps us does it?" Spa asked.
"Afraid not" Elsa replied.
"Countdown is down to five minutes" SackRacer announced.
"Five minutes, what can we do in five minutes?" Spa panicked.
"Absolutely nothing, we failed" Elsa replied sadly.
To Be Continued...
Super Ranger
Super Ranger

Posts : 193
Join date : 2011-05-02
Age : 40
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The LBN Finale  Empty Here comes the...

Post by Elsa Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:24 am


Draden, Elsa, Spa, and Looptheloopy were all on the flight deck and shocked at Elsa, she almost sounded as though she'd really given up but with five minutes left before the entire Earth goes to war, there seemed to be very little hope left.
EnochRoot was still standing near to the flight deck entrance, enough to over hear but not enough to be seen.
"We can't give up there must be something we can do" Draden insisted.
"Maybe I can help" EnochRoot said as he arrived on the flight deck.
"You're supposed to be..." Elsa began but she was very stunned at EnochRoot's appearance on the flight deck.
"I am sorry, I knew you both cared too much to tell me the truth so I followed you here to hear the truth for myself, I must say I am very lucky to have been rescued by such lovely and caring people that are so kind they even consider how I will feel if I know the truth I had to know. It was hard to believe at first but if it's LBN and I was in on it, if you give me some pointers I could go back and inject the members one by one with the antidote" EnochRoot suggested.
"LBN was just the beginning and the start base for attack, it spread out, it spread like wildfire and now 90% of the Earth's population has been infected with this alien DNA" Draden explained.
"So LBN was just the start to this terrible thing" EnochRoot said sadly.
"Unfortunately yes, we thought some of the moderators like you had just gone crazy to start with until it started spreading like a virus and then we knew there was something wrong" Elsa explained.
"Yeah one person can easily change or go bad or even have their account hacked but it happens to a number of people then you start to wonder" Spa explained.
"It's surprising you don't hate me after what that thing made me do" EnochRoot said.
"It wasn't your fault, it wasn't the real you and that's all that matters" Elsa explained.
"You people are too kind" EnochRoot said happily.
"But still how can we stop the Earth from going to war?" Draden asked.
"Couldn't we put the antidote into the air to destroy the alien DNA?" Spa asked.
"The alien DNA is very strong against many airborne viruses, it would be impossible to put something into the air that would attack the alien DNA, the best I can do is an injection, injected directly into the blood stream and instantly attacks the alien DNA full force" Elsa explained.
"There's got to be a way, we can't just give up" Draden said.
"Two minutes until war time" SackRacer announched.
"No, this cannot be" Elsa said sadly.
"This is what iSlayer is meant to stop isn't it?" Draden asked.
"He was supposed to pass the message on to stop this but we just don't have the power to stop this, this just isn't fair, this can't be happening" Elsa said sadly.
"We need a miracle right now" Looptheloopy said.
Elsa stood up and outstretched her arms.
"Please, spirit of the universe, guide us, help us save the Earth" Elsa called out.
"What is she doing?" Draden asked.
"Praying to the universe apparantly" Spa said.
Whiteabyssdragon appeared and flew off the spaceship and flew toward the Earth.
"A dragon" Draden said surprised.
"Of course it's the one from that alternate Ringo Reality, maybe the Dragon's purification can destroy the evil alien DNA" Elsa suggested.
"Information one country has just lowered it's weapons and stopped it's attack plans" SackRacer announced.
"He's doing it, the whiteabyssdragon is saving the Earth" Elsa said excitedly.
"So it the whiteabyssdragon the spirit of the universe?" Draden asked.
"No, that was just me begging for a sign of help that probablhy wouldn't go noticed anywhere but i guess the dragon heard and came forth, I shall remember another time to call the whiteabyssdragon" Elsa explained.
"Can I have the dragon?" Looptheloopy explained.
"I don't think I can just give him away somehow Loopy, the dragon chose me for some reason, perhaps it is a blessing of some sort" Elsa suggested.
"Two more countries have stopped the war" SackRacer announced.
"That dragon sure moves fast" Draden said.
"Yeah that dragon is sure something else, I really wouldn't think it could purify so many people at once but I guess time is nothing to that dragon" Elsa replied.

A while later Draden was sat at the computer in his room when Elsa entered.
"Hey Draden" Elsa said happily.
"Hey Elsa, it's nice to see LBN back to normal again and all the other forums too, haha you should see the most active threads on most of the forums at the moment it's the apology thread, members of the forum are apologising for their messages of hate toward each other that they apparently don't remember even writing" Draden explained.
Elsa laughed a little.
"I bet they wonder where those messages came from" Elsa said.
"Best that they never know, the truth would probably hurt them too much" Draden said.
"Speaking of which, what about that Mr. War he was just a victim too and he's probably stuck on the planet Earth but it's not his planet of origin" Elsa explained.
"Yeah you're right Elsa, we should go and help him, after all he was just a victim like all the others" Draden said.

Mr. War stood in an alley on the planet Earth at the back when Mr. Genji walked into the alley looking rather angry.
Mr. War turned round and gasped.
"You're the last person I remember seeing before my memory went blank and I woke to find that someone had hacked my LBN account and posted hateful messages on everyone's profile, you're going to pay for my memory loss" Mr. Genji insisted as he stepped toward Mr. War.
"I'm sorry I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm just a guy, i don't even know how I got here, please sir whoever you are don't hurt me" Mr. War begged in fright.
"Hurt you, you deserve nothing more after what you did to me" Mr. Genji said and he was about to swing a clenched fist at Mr. War's face when Elsa and Draden arrived in the alley.
"Stop" Elsa called out.
"Oh look the goody-goodies have arrived, I guess this is your lucky day" Mr. Genji said to Mr. War and he walked off.
Elsa and Draden approached Mr. War.
Mr. War stepped back a little frightened.
"It''s all right, don't be scared, we're not going to hurt you" Draden assured him.
"Where am I? I'm sorry I just have no idea how I got here and this place is so alien" Mr. War explained.
"You were taken over by an alien parasite and came to this planet but you are freed of that parasite now, please let us help you take you to a planet that would be more suitable for you" Elsa said.
"Going back to my home planet would be just fine" Mr. War said.
"I'm afraid there are some complications there" Draden said.
"Like what kind of complications" Mr. War asked.
"Well uh..." Elsa began.
EnochRoot walked on to the path and stepped up behind Elsa and Draden.
"You were taken over by an alien life force that thinks only of destruction and war, most likely you infected your people with the alien virus, they destroyed each other and then you came here to continue that war" EnochRoot explained.
"No" Mr. War said. He quickly ran away.
"Mr. War, please wait" Elsa called after him as she ran after him.
Draden followed and EnochRoot followed after Draden.
Mr. War ran into a forest, of which Elsa ran after him with Draden and EnochRoot following.
Mr. War soon came to the edge of a cliff and prepared to jump off the cliff.
"Mr. War, please don't" Elsa called out to him.
Elsa stopped a short distance from him, Draden and EnochRoot soon arrived in the area.
"I'm a monster, I destroyed my own people and then came here to destroy this world, I only deserve death" Mr. War said with a fear tears streaming from his eyes.
"It wasn't your fault, you were possessed by an alien life force, you wouldn't do such a thing yourself I can see it in your eyes that you are a good person, please let us help you" Draden said.
"You had no conscious while you were being controlled, it's happened to lots of other people too, you are not responsible for the actions committed by the evil alien" Elsa explained.
"There's certainly no need for you to take your own life now be a good boy and come away from the edge, no one here intends to hurt you" EnochRoot explained.
"But what do I do now?" Mr. War asked.
"Well you can either let these two wonderful members of LBN find you a new home or you can stay here with me and I'll take care of you" EnochRoot offered.
"Really?" Mr. War asked.
"Provided that you stay a member of LBN yes" EnochRoot explained.
"I don't even know what LBN is" Mr. War explained.
"It's a friendly forum for a game called LittleBigPlanet and trust me you'll love the game, it's main concept, play, create, share" Elsa explained.
"Sounds fun" Mr. War said excitedly.
"Well consider yourself to be my friend and I will help you Mr. War" EnochRoot said.
"Why do you all keep calling me Mr. War?" Mr. War asked.
"That was your username on LBN" Elsa explained.
"Well can if I'm going to stay here and play LittleBigPlanet with EnochRoot and use that forum can I have a different username, I really don't like Mr. War, it makes me sound violent and war like" Mr. War asked.
Elsa, Draden and EnochRoot laughed.
"Of course I can change your username, you tell me what you want and I'll change it for you" EnochRoot offered.
"Then lets go" Mr. War said excitedly. He stepped away from the edge and walked over to EnochRoot.
EnochRoot and Mr. War soon walked off together.
Elsa and Draden turned to one another.
"I can't believe our mission is accomplished and to think we got a happy ending an all, I really thought that all was lost just an hour ago" Elsa explained.
"Just goes to show how much things can change within an hour and now we should continue our adventures in space where hopefully we won't need to rely on your dragon to purify innocents of some evil force" Draden said.
"Let's sure hope so" Elsa replied.
Elsa and Draden teleported back to their spaceship.
The End
Next Episode coming soon
Super Ranger
Super Ranger

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Age : 40
Planet of Origin: : Zenneco


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