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LBPR iSlayer Empty LBPR iSlayer

Post by Elsa Mon May 02, 2011 10:58 am

LittleBigPlanet Rangers
Chapter 1:

A few weeks before all that had happened iSlayer had been on the planet where he came from. He was a well known warrior there, in fact he was well known throughout the galaxy. Even the forces of evil itself feared his name.
iSlayer had been called to a meeting but the meeting was very last minute and somehow seemed rather urgent so he had no idea what was happening or what it was about.
When he arrived at the room where the meeting was to take place many other warriors were already gathered in the room.
The room was a conference room with a big table in the room with lots of chairs at it and at one end there was a big chair for the person leading the meeting and behind that a board for displays.
iSlayer quickly found the only free seat at the table and sat down.
There was tall man that was sat at the ned of the table that was leading the meeting. He stood up and looked at aeveryone ready to speak.
"Glad you could all come, this was a matter of great urgency. We have received word from the troopers that they want to offer us peace" the man that was leading the meeting explained.
"Rubbish" a female warrior called out. The woman was tall, she had short navy hair, she wore a green headband and unlike the other warriors that were dressed in black uniforms she was dressed in a green outfit.
"Somehow I had a feeling you'd say that Trakina" the man that led the meeting said as he looked at the woman that had spoken out. he then looked round for a few moments but no one said anything. He almost expected someone else to say something but no one did.
"Very well, those of you in favour of peace between us and the Troopers raise your hands" the man said that was leading the meeting.
iSlayer raised his hands, he could hardly believe the troopers would send a peace offering and this certainly seemed the best way to go. There would be no more fighting in Zee space just eternal peace with no more threat from the Troopers. This was something he could only have dreamt of.
iSlayer looked round curious to see how many others were in favour, nearly everyone raised their hands but Trakina and a couple of other warriors didn't.
"Then it's settled, we agree to the peace" the man that lead the meeting agreed.
Trakina stood up from the table and slammed her fist down on the table in anger.
"This is ridiculous, they would never agree to peace, don't you see this is a trap? They want us to agree to peace so that we'll low the force field protecting our planet so we can sort our terms out. All they want is the force field down so they can blast us to pieces" Trakina yelled in anger.
"Trakina that is enough out of you, you lost your vote now sit down and be quiet" the man that led the meeting shouted at her.
Trakina sat back down on her seat but she didn't look very happy at all.
iSlayer smiled at her to try and cheer her up but she didn't seem to take much notice.
"I will start to make arrangements for the meeting, you are all dismissed" the man said that led the meeting.
Everyone began to start talking amongst themselves except for iSlayer that was more interested in Trakina but Trakina just walked off out of the room.
iSlayer went after her and walk out into the main corridor. The main corridor looked more like a corridor in a school building with lockers and room. Trakina was standing at her locker getting her clothes out but at the same time she was talking to someone else. iSlayer kept back for the time being wondering what it was about. The person Trakina had spoken too soon disappeared and another warrior from the meeting rushed out and over to Trakina. The warrior began to talk to Trakina about something and during the conversation he passed her a piece of paper that she quickly slipped into her pocket. The warrior then disappeared.
iSlayer walked up to Trakina rather worried, he couldn't help but think there was going to be some resistance to this peace treaty.
"You're not up to any resistance are you Trakina?" iSlayer asked her in concern.
"Why would you think that father?" Trakina asked him but she never looked round at him. She continued to busily get her clothes out of her locker.
"Just that you seem so sure it's a trap, this is just what we've been waiting for" iSlayer explained.
"Oh yeah it is" Trakina replied but she didn't sound too happy. She finished getting her clothes out of her locker and closed the door. She walked off down the corridor without speaking to iSlayer. She never ignored him before, he knew that something was very much wrong and somehow it all linked in with what had happened to meeting. Somehow he had a bad feeling that Trakina was getting involved with some resistance.
To Be Continued... .

Last edited by Elsa on Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:26 am; edited 1 time in total
Super Ranger
Super Ranger

Posts : 193
Join date : 2011-05-02
Age : 40
Planet of Origin: : Zenneco


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LBPR iSlayer Empty Chapter 2: Resistance

Post by Elsa Mon May 02, 2011 11:01 am

LittleBigPlanet Rangers
Chapter Two

A few days had gone by since that meeting and Trakina had been disappearing from time to time to mingle in with some people she hadn't spoken with much in the past. It wasn't like Trakina at all, she had always been a happy young girl that more a less always did the same routine everyday but now she was disappearing off to secret meetings and getting involved in goodness knows what.
iSlayer couldn't help but worry about her and his wife was just as worried.
As the day arrived toward the day the Troopers would attack, iSlayer couldn't help but worry that Trakina would do something terrible to make peace between humans and troopers impossible.
That day, Trakina quickly rushed out of the house, earlier than usual. iSlayer had suspected this and he secretly followed her to find out what she was up to.
He followed her right up to a building just outside of town that was by a forest, though it was just outside of town it still looked important. There were two guards standing at the entrance of the building that were armed with guns.
iSlayer recognised the building as the defence facility of the planet, there was a force field around the planet to stop spaceships from entering the planet and that was controlled from the defence building. He knew straight away what Trakina was up to, she was going to sabotage the defence surrounding the planet and lock it in place so that the Troopers couldn't enter.
"Oh no, Trakina, you've really come this far" he finally spoke out loud in concern but it was too late. Trakina had disappeared round the side of the building. As iSlayer went to investigate he could see a rope tangled around a balcony of the building and beyond the balcony door was open.
He quickly rushed up to the front entrance.
The two gaurds at the entrance didn't raise their guns to him.
"Greetings iSlayer" the guards said to him politely.
"Greetings, if you'll excuse me I have urgent business here, please keep up your guard here" iSlayer spoke to the two men that were guarding the building.
"Yes sir" they both replied at once.
iSlayer entered the building, of which the reception area was just inside and the woman at the reception desk looked round at him in amazement.
"Greetings iSlayer, is there anything I can do for you?" the lady asked.
"I'm fine thank you, I have something to do here and I must do it quickly" iSlayer said as he continued in the building. He quickly rushed the steps to the first floor.
When he arrived on the first floor Trakina was standing in the corridor and a scientist was standing opposite her.
"We knew you'd pull something like this Trakina, which is why we let the troopers come in early. It is too late to stop the peace treaty" the scientist said happily.
"Do you have any idea of what you have done? You have just destroyed us all" Trakina yelled in anger at the scientist.
"Calm down Trakina, no one is going to be hurt, the troopers are coming in peace" the scientist explained.
"No they're not, it's a trap, they'll destroy us all" Trakina yelled in anger.
A laser beam was heard in the distance and straight afterward and explosion.
Trakina, iSlayer and the scientist quickly rushed to the nearest window that overlooked the main city.
They could see Trooper spaceships in the sky, their lasers firing and blasting anything in sight.
iSlayer was shocked, he'd been so certain that peace would previal but he now realised that Trakina was right, peace was never possible in the first place and because everyone so much wanted peace and ignored Trakina, it seemed they were all doomed.
"We've got to get out of here and back to the city" iSlayer said.
"How could we have all been so foolish?, Trakina was right all along" the scientist said in despair.
"We don't have time for despair, we must move now" iSlayer insisted.
A trooper spaceship closed in on the building and fired the laser at the building. The laser broke right through the window and hit the scientist.
The scientist screamed out in pain and dropped to the floor dead.
"Oh God" Trakina panicked.
"We have to go now" iSlayer insisted.
iSlayer and Trakina quickly ran away from the room, they rushed down the stairs and outside. As they had run outside iSlayer had planned to warn the reception on the way but it seemed she'd already left. The two guards outside were stood outside fighting some troopers that had landed a spaceship on the ground and were closing in to attack.
The receptionist was hiding behind a bush near to the entrance of the place.
One of the guards at the entrance of the building was shot. He screamed out in pain and dropped his weapon.
iSlayer and Trakina quickly drew their lasers and fired at the troopers with such aim and accuracy it wasn't long before the troopers had all been defeated.
"No parasites, they chose to be evil of their own accord" iSlayer observed.
"Yeah, that's one small attack down but now we've got to try and save the city" Trakina said.
"Yeah, we're this world's only hope now, it doesn't matter what it takes, we have to save it" iSlayer insisted.
To Be Continued... .
Super Ranger
Super Ranger

Posts : 193
Join date : 2011-05-02
Age : 40
Planet of Origin: : Zenneco


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LBPR iSlayer Empty Final Chapter

Post by Elsa Mon May 02, 2011 11:04 am

LittleBigPlanet Rangers
Final Chapter

iSlayer and Trakina had arrived at the main city but the site that greeted them was not what they had hoped for, it was the most devastating thing they'd ever seen.
The buildings were completely destroyed with parts of the buildings scattered across the city where the buildings had been blasted apart. There were many dead bodies lying on the ground, though there were no signs of blood or injury it was quite obvious those had been shot with the trooper's lasers since they killed without any noticable marks or effects.
There were the odd few that had been killed when the buildings had been destroyed that had died when parts of buildings had fallen on top of them and there was blood round those people.
The Troopers were long gone by this time and it didn't seem as though there was any sign of life left on the planet.
"Oh my God" Trakina exclaimed in concern.
iSlayer stepped into the city centre and looked around hoping to find at least one survivor but everywhere looked dead. There didn't seem to be a single person left alive. He had never seen such devastation before, this was rare even for the evil Zee Troopers.
"Let's get back to the defence centre, there were people left alive there" iSlayer said.
He quickly rushed off in the hope to find life but Trakina hesistated. She just looked back at the city, her eyes filled with sadness, she'd never seen a place so destroyed before.
The distance between the defence grid and the city was quite a distance on foot but they got their eventually however when they got back to the defence base the place looked empty. The soldiers that had been alive when they had left were now dead. The receptionist woman was lying on the ground outside the front entrance of the building.
"Oh my God" iSlayer said in concern.
Movement came from near by bushes.
iSlayer began to reach for his laser just in case but he sure hoped that it was a survivor.
A lion shaped creature stepped out of the bushes and into the open, it was no one other than LittleBigLion.
"What in the world?" iSlayer asked rather stunned but he still kept his hand close to his laser just in case, LittleBigLion did somewhat look a little hostile.
LittleBigLion suddenly changed shape into a human being.
"Sorry if I frightened you, I came to explore this planet and so far all I seen is dead bodies" LittleBigLion explained rather spooked.
"It's all right, we won't hurt you, we're good guys just like you, the Troopers attacked us" iSlayer explained. He moved his hand away from his laser, he could clearly see that LittleBigLion meant no harm.
"I don't understand though, how'd the Troopers get to invade your world?" LittleBigLion asked.
"It's a long story but we must get out of here right now, we must stop the Troopers from causing this kind of destruction again" iSlayer insisted.
"By ourselves?" Trakina asked him stunned as she looked at him.
"This is my fault, I'm a very important person on this world, if I had of suspected this in the first place and spoken out it wouldn't have mattered how many people were again me, mine is the word" iSlayer explained.
"I have a spaceship and joined the LittleBigPlanet Rangers but sadly I must go home soon because I'm not cut out to be a ranger. My heart is darkened" LittleBigLion explained.
"Strange you seem fine to me" iSlayer said.
"Well you'd better come along, it's perhaps not safe around here anymore" LittleBigLion said.
LittleBigLion gave them a ranger bracelet so they could teleport back to the spaceship together.
iSlayer and Trakina were shocked at the fast teleportation once LittleBigLion had requested teleport.
Elsa was sat at the flight-monitoring desk aboard the spaceship and Arven was sat behind the teleport control desk.
"These are two people I met on the planet, I think the girl is the lady warrior Trakina and I think the man is iSlayer the famous legendary hero. It seems the Troopers attacked the planet and left no one alive from what they've said" LittleBigLion explained.
"Sackracer" Elsa called out.
"Information, zero life signs exist on Tranaka" SackRacer replied.
"Then you've done well bringing them back here" Elsa said to LittleBigLion.
"I guess your heart is not so darkened after all" Arven said.
"Information, his ranger compatibility has proved and is now 10%" SackRacer said.
"Well perhaps you have great potential, there's some other planets we need to explore but if you would like to go home then we'll take you home first otherwise we're happy to have you for a bit" Elsa said.
"Hmm...perhaps I might go on for a little bit longer, especially with iSlayer being here, I want his autograph" LittleBigLion said excitedly.
"Then you shall have it" iSlayer replied.
"So do you guys just go around visiting planets and fighting evil then?" Trakina asked them.
"At the moment but I'm just temporary I'll be leaving shortly" Arven explained.
"Then we'll stick around and help too, those troopers caused the destruction of my world, I will not allow such a thing to happen again" iSlayer insisted and he clenched his fist with strength and determination that he would keep to his word.
The End.
Super Ranger
Super Ranger

Posts : 193
Join date : 2011-05-02
Age : 40
Planet of Origin: : Zenneco


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