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The LittleBigPlanet Rangers Empty The LittleBigPlanet Rangers

Post by Elsa Mon May 02, 2011 10:40 am


The universe is vast and filled with many planets and galaxies that all contain a galaxy gate leading between each different galaxy but only certain spaceships with high advanced technology could use the galaxy gates to fly between the different galaxies. It is predicted that should one bad group of evil doers take over a world successfully they will most likely move on to conquer other planets and eventually the entire universe. This was now coming true a group of evil doers that called themselves the Zee Troopers had originated in a galaxy known only as Zee Space. No one knew the planet where they began so no one went to protect it and the numbers of this evil group increased. By the time that the main planets knew what was happening it was too late, the Zee Troopers had grown an exceedingly powerful army that ones only hope now could be to slow them down.
A planet on the edge of the Atrioss Galaxy known only as LittleBigPlanet was also very close to the galaxy gate leading into Zee Space. LittleBigPlanet was worried about the incease in threats posed by the Zee Troopers and they clearly had technology to travel between galaxies. The people of LBP got together a group of rangers their names, Nick, Kai, Casper, Viola and Donna. They quickly set course for Zee Space, dressed in a black uniform that had the LBP logo on the back and armed with lasers they prepared for battle. For some time they battled many enemies of Zee Space until one day they came across a prophecy that they'd soon be destroyed. On a planet known as Travotore and eventually they discovered a huge threat by Zee Troopers and their destination Travotore.

When they arrived on Travotore there was a small village there with many people and the people seemed to very much take to these rangers except for one young red haired girl that constantly complained they were up to know good but no one listened to her. The LBP Rangers stayed there for several days but no action.

A young lady in her mid twenties with bright red hair that was put up in pigtails was sat on the edge of a well at one side of the village. The rangers were still dotted about the village with people fussing round them. The girl nearly vomitted at what was happening she couldn't believe the people so trusted them.
A couple of young kids from the village woman up to the young lady.
"Come on Elsa aren't you even going to speak to those rangers they're really nice you know?" one of the kids asked her.
"No" Elsa replied.
"Go on you know want to" the second kid said.
Elsa said no more and suddenly laser fire was heard.
The rangers in the city quickly drew their lasers.
The evil Zee Troopers had entered the city, dressed in black uniforms and carrying lasers just like the rangers they started shooting at random innocent people.
The rangers quickly returned fire to try and protect the people in the city but there were so many of them it didn't seem as though the rangers could fight them all.
People began running and screaming in all directions as they fled to escape the city.
Elsa stood frozen on the spot she could barely believe what was happening and certainly wasn't prepared to deal with the situation.
Elsa just stood on the spot as she watched the fighting commence and continue. It wasn't long before all that remaiend in the city was her, the rangers and the troopers.
The rangers had spread out, Nick was on a roof of a building firing down on the troopers while Kai and Viola were standing by the building near to Elsa.
One of the Troopers snuck past the rangers and approached Elsa with his laser drawn and pointed directly at her. A shot was fired but she was still standing however the trooper in front of her dropped to the floor dead.
Viola was standing a distance behind the trooper with her laser pointed in that direction. She put her laser away and advanced toward Elsa.
"You poor girl you must be in shock you need to get out of here we're not going to survive this planet" Viola began and she took a bracelet off her wrist. "Here take this you'll be fine and just be sure to let the world know that the LBP Rangers sacrificed themselves to try and protect the world" Viola explained as she clipped the bracelet on Elsa's wrist. Viola then pressed a button.
The scenery around Elsa suddenly changed and she was stood aboard a very alien looking spaceship.
"Welcome aboard Dr. Elsa Sanchez I guess you're not used to such violence and that" a strange voice spoke to her.
Elsa looked round, she couldn't help but feel scared. She was in a strange place and someone was speaking to her, he sounded close but she couldn't see anyone at all.
"Don't worry I'm the Spaceship's computer SackRacer at your service" SackRacer introduced himself.
Elsa was really stunned to say he was a computer he sounded almost human.
"You're rangers are in great danger if you don't bring them back up now you won't have any more rangers" Elsa warned SackRacer.
"I know Nick and Kai have been killed already there's only three left but they knew this was going to happen and they instructed me to keep out they said that they had to die because their deaths would bring some better to come in the future a new group of LBP Rangers I think" SackRacer explained.
"Wow that sounds incredible but you can't know that I have to admit I thought those rangers were bad guys to start with but now i know they're not. Please you must save them" Elsa begged.
"It is too late, their ranger devices are no longer functional and they only function when the bracelets are clipped on around a living being, meaning that they're dead and now you will be the start of the new LBP Rangers" SackRacer said.
"I don't want to be a ranger" Elsa argued.
"You should, you're ranger compatilbity is an awesome 100% I've never seen such a high reading before you will be Ranger 1 of the new LBP Rangers" SackRacer said.
"You're not gonna let me go are you?" Elsa asked a little worried.
"I'll make you a deal you explore a couple of planets for me and then if you really don't like it I'll send you someplace safe but please give it a try" SackRacer said.
"All right" Elsa agreed. Somehow she trusted the computer he seemed somewhat sincere and besides it's just a computer surely it couldn't go against what it says but then she wondered he sure didn't sound like a computer at all.
To Be Continued... .
Super Ranger
Super Ranger

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Join date : 2011-05-02
Age : 40
Planet of Origin: : Zenneco


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The LittleBigPlanet Rangers Empty The Visitor

Post by Elsa Mon May 02, 2011 10:42 am


Elsa was sat down on the settee that was on part of the spaceship though it partly looked alien it was funny to see a settee and an ordinary hexagon shaped table one side of the flight deck while the opposite side of the flight deck had some alien looking computers that she'd never seen before.
"Information I detect a spaceship in trouble from the planet Zenneco I'm pulling it aboard" SackRacer announced.
"What do I do?" Elsa panicked. Now she was worried somehow she had a feeling she had to represent the rangers and what rangers they were all dead and she was declared the leader of the new rangers. What new rangers she was alone?
"Be yourself and wecloming that is all that is required you never know the person that comes aboard might join the rangers and then you could go off and explore a planet together and maybe get another new ranger and so forth until our ranks have grown" SackRacer suggested.
"All right that does it" Elsa said in a more fierce tone. It wasn't like her but somehow the computer just sounded to human to be a computer no way was it a computer.
"Just who are you? You're not a computer you sound human and you seem very intellectual" Elsa said.
"I am SackRacer the computer I am programmed to have a personality and a responsibility I am also programmed with knowledge of some of the most known galaxies such as Zee Space, Atrioss Galaxy, Delta Region and Thunderstorm Region there are more galaxies beyond those but they remain completely unexplored" SackRacer explained.
"Who names these galaxies?" Elsa wondered.
"Zee Space was nick named after Zed Tyson who lived in Zee Space and was the first to discover the parameters of the galaxy. Atrioss is similarly named though it was a last name. Thunderstorm was nicknamed because of it's strange constant thunderstorms in the region and Delta was named after the main Delta Rangers that protect it but they're not a very friendly bunch so don't get excited" SackRacer said.
"Wow i know so much already" Elsa said.
A man appeared on the flight deck.
Elsa looked round rather worried, it must have been the visitor that SackRacer had pulled aboard the ship but she was more nervous than anything else she had never expected to have to deal with anything like this.
"LBP Rangers I presume from the LittleBigUniverse" the man gathered as he stepped on to the flight deck.
"Well...uh...umm no not really I've only just become a ranger the other rangers were destroyed on the planet Travotore in this galaxy" Elsa explained.
"There is no Travotore in this galaxy" the man replied.
"After the attack on Travotore i moved the ship into Atrioss for your own protection and safety Elsa you are now free of Zee Space" SackRacer said.
"But the LBP Rangers are dead, that's like bad isn't it" the man said.
"No Elsa here is the start of the new rangers she could do with a hand though I am currently searching information on planets to find a suitable assistant or ranger to help get the rangers back in action with an all new team but it will take time and many adventures and planetary visits" SackRacer said.
"Well I'll come for a short while I was just testing out my all new spaceship but unfortunately one of the parts I've put in it has gone wrong. I'll be reporting the fault back to the place where I bought it from. Useless piece of junk" the man said annoyed.
"Was it something brand new?" Elsa asked.
"Yes, gauranteed for six years it said, it went faulty after twenty minutes of being in space. The whole deal was a con next time I'll think twice before buying things on the cheap" the man said.
"So who are you?" Elsa asked.
"Arven from the planet Zenneco I'm the main spaceship creator on that world constantly designing better spaceships and yes my budget was a little tight with just creating the first space cruiser for Zenneco. It cost a fortune but once people start using it and travelling between planets the money will start flowing into my pockets not that I'm bothered about money but I am a little short at the moment" Arven said.
"Here have a hundred Zennion Credits to help your troubles" SackRacer said.
A sack containing a hundred Zennion credits appeared on the flight deck. Arven rushed over to the bag and looked inside excitedly.
"Why thank you very kind" Arven said gratefully.
Elsa stood on the spot rather shocked. Money just appeared out of thin air. This was getting very weird I suppose next she'd just have to demand what she wanted for dinner and that too would appear.
"So I don't mean to be rude or anything but I don't suppose you have any water do you?" Arven asked.
Elsa looked around she sure wanted to give him some water he must have been thirsty with driving a spaceship but she couldn't see anything anywhere.
"Here" SackRacer said.
A bottle of water appeared on the flight deck near to Arven.
"Thank you" Arven said as he took the bottle.
Elsa was beginning to feel as though she was imagining stuff now or even dreaming this sure couldn't be happening if this was true then the rangers must live a life of sheer luxury because they'd just get whatever they wanted.
Arven quickly drunk the water down fast he sure looked thirsty and with how quick he drunk the water he definitely was thirsty.
"I should have stocked up with water before I left Zenneco, silly me" Arven said.
"Hey don't blame yourself I'm sure you had your easons at least I managed to kinda help you out" Elsa replied.
Arven smiled and laughed in response.
"I'll get you back to Zenneco" SackRacer said.
"No that's all right I'll stay here for a bit maybe I can help Elsa out a little before I return to Zenneco besides I need to think how I'm going to explain what happened with my spaceship. Faulty crystal" Arven said.
"There are many crystals in Zee Space the galaxy is well known for its rare energy crystals you can obtain a free new crystal from there but you may have to deal with troopers to get it" SackRacer said.
"Then so be it I'm up for a good challenge maybe I'll be able to save some lives and do something more to help humanity rather than just building spaceships" Arven said.
"You sound like you like building spaceships and yet something tells me you want a break" Elsa said.
"Of course I do, it's fun building and designing spaceships but I found that every 300 years I just need a break" Arven said.
"Wow you must be old I'm only 500 years old" Elsa explained.
"I'm 2000 years old, I'll be 2001 in six light months" Arven said then he looked round the spaceship.
"All right spaceship take us into Zee Space and to get a new crystal. Maybe I'll get Elsa a new ranger to help her out at the same time" Arven said.
"Confirmed, headiing for planet Tradari, lightspeed" SackRacer announced.
The spaceship flew off through space no matter how fast it went the speed was never felt inside it was definitely highly advanced technology.
To Be Continued... .
Super Ranger
Super Ranger

Posts : 193
Join date : 2011-05-02
Age : 40
Planet of Origin: : Zenneco


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The LittleBigPlanet Rangers Empty Chapter 2: Tradari

Post by Elsa Mon May 02, 2011 10:46 am


The spaceship had reached the planet Tradari in the Zee Space galaxy however the spaceship had picked up at least seven spaceships already down on the planet and a population of two hundred people.
"That's an unusually high population especially for that galaxy" Arven commented after hearing the information.
"Indeed it is, not many planets in Zee Space have more than a hundred people on them let alone two hundred this could be very dangerous" SackRacer warned them.
"So how do we get down to the planet?" Elsa asked.
"The same way you came up. The ranger bracelets operate as teleport between planet and spaceship whereas the planetary teleportation co-ordinates can be changed the spaceship co-ordinates are fixed and may not be altered. Rangers are required to set co-ordinates but since you are new and only two I have set some co-ordinates myself for a quiet location" SackRacer explained.
"Thank you SackRacer, very kind of you" Arven said. He picked up a ranger bracelet and clipped it on around his wrist.
Elsa looked at her wrist she still had her ranger bracelet on her wrist.
"Have you been here before?" Elsa asked.
"I designed the spaceship and in fact build it. I was hired by LBP for this task but they only wanted a design and the exterior building everything else here is LBP technology and just out of good gesture the rangers took me on a tour of this spaceship once" Arven explained.
Elsa and Arven both stepped up on to the teleport platform. There was a blinding flash and then they were both stood on a small island just outside of a small wood.
There was a speedboat parked up on the shore of the island. Elsa stepped ahead to the boat but Arven walked off into the woods.
Footsteps slowly approached from behind Elsa.
"Hey Arven have you seen this looks like a short and I can see some land the other side this must be an island" Elsa explained without looking round.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you" a voice called back from behind Elsa.
Elsa looked round worried, it certainly wasn't Arven that had said that when she turned round there was a young lad standing behind her with his crossbow pointed at her.
"Who are you?" Elsa asked him.
"Unlike you I'm actually human now out with it why should i not kill you?" the young lad asked.
"Umm...because I'm human just like you" Elsa replied.
"You expect me to believe that with all those troopers roaming around" the young lad asked.
Arven headed back to the area.
"You're out numbered, put the crossbow down, we're not gonna hurt you" Arven explained.
the young lad lowered his crossbow and sulked, he could clearly see he was out numbered and he couldn't threaten them both at the same time.
"i thought I heard someone roaming about the bushes.
I'm Arven and that's Elsa we're visitors to this planet" Arven explained.
"Visitors do you have a good working spaceship then?" the lad asked.
"Of course we do" Arven replied.
The lad took hold of his crossbow again and pointed it at Arven.
"Good, then you will take me back to my home planet now" the lad ordered.
"You're not of this world?" Arven asked.
"No, I'm LittleBigLion from the planet Akrydon in Atrioss Galaxy. I came out here to explore this galaxy, my spaceship was shot down and I've been stuck here for six months" LittleBigLion explained. He lowered his crossbow somehow he didn't think he was going to manage to force these people to take him back to his own planet just yet.
"Oh my God" Elsa said rather worried. Now she felt sorry for him. LittleBigLion did seem like he was in trouble and with his actions it would seem he was used to a lot of hostility.
"That's right for six months I've been on the run, hiding, fighting and I've had enough of it right now I'll do just about anything as long as it means I get to go home safe" LittleBigLion said.
"What about the people of this world?" Arven asked LittleBigLion.
"The Troopers invaded when they shot my spaceship down that's why I've been on the run there's so many of them. They have an army all equipped with lasers and I am but one with a crossbow" LittleBigLion explained.
"We've got to do something" Elsa said.
"Those troopers aren't even human if you kill them they will only find another host to possess, they're parasites" Arven explained.
"That's why I've been running and hiding if I kill one of them then I'll probably get possessed by one" LittleBigLion said.
"I never knew" Elsa said.
"Where are you from?" LittleBigLion asked.
"I've been around to a few planets I was only on Travotore in Zee Space for a short period of time before the planet was attacked by troopers. So all those troopers the rangers killed..." Elsa began but she stopped. She didn't want to think anymore.
"It wouldn't matter those rangers got everyone to safety the parasites can't survive for more than ten seconds outside of their host body and they can't survive inside a dead one either so they would have perished" Arven said.
"How come they didn't take over the rangers?" Elsa wondered.
"The troopers are evil spirits that refuse to die so they take possession of those still alive but even demons have constraints they cannot possess the body of someone who is pure of heart" LittleBigLion explained.
"There must be a way to kill them, I mean the parasite without harming the host" Elsa said.
"There isn't" LittleBigLion snapped.
"Well still we need an energy crystal we must proceed to the mainland" Arven said.
"The troopers rule there everyone they could take possession of is now under trooper control and everyone else who hasn't resisted or tried to fight those troopers are now captive at the troopers base and have been forced into slavery" LittleBigLion explained.
"Then that's where we're going, we'll rescue those slaves and find a way to deal with those troopers and as for transport we'll take the boat" Elsa explained.
"Well you can count me out, I'm waiting here" LittleBigLion insisted. He stepped away from Arven and Elsa and sat down on a rock.
"Well you'll be safe there if we accomplish our mission alive then we'll come back for you and help you" Arven said.
LittleBigLion didn't respond.
Elsa and Arven soon left the island in the boat that was on the shore.
LittleBigLion just sat and watched as they left. He thought for a few moments and then he got up and made a run for the shore.
"Hey wait, come back I'll go with you don't leave me here alone" LittleBigLion called after them but it was too late they were long gone and couldn't hear him shout because of the speed boats engine.
To Be Continued... .
Super Ranger
Super Ranger

Posts : 193
Join date : 2011-05-02
Age : 40
Planet of Origin: : Zenneco


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The LittleBigPlanet Rangers Empty Chapter 3: Hated Humans

Post by Elsa Mon May 02, 2011 10:50 am


The Troopers had taken over a huge castle on the planet Tradari. The Troopers were all dressed in black uniforms and carried a laser around with them, some even had whips. The Troopers walked down the stairs into a dungeon. The castle was very clean even though the troopers had taken over it, they hadn't neglected it. In the dungeon were lots of innocent people locked up. Many of them looked filthy, they hadn't had a bath in days, their clothes were just as bad they hadn't been changed either and some of them even looked like they were starving or dehydrated.
The Troopers began taking food round to the captives but they seemed to be on rations, it was there dinner and all they handed out was a slice of bread to each of their captives and a glass of water.
"Eat up slaves" one of the troopers yelled at the captives.
Most of the captives instantly rushed for their share of the food they were being offered and ate them as quickly as they could. In one of the main sets of cells though one of the girls didn't budge.
"Someone give her some food" one of the Trooper's ordered as he pointed at the young girl that didn't appear to be eating.
One of the captives took a slice of bread over to the girl and offered it her but the young girl didn't take it.
"I've had enough, I refuse to eat, work or drink until I've had a bath and since that grant will never be requested I guess you'll just have a suicide on your hands" the girl refused.
"What this is ridiculous? At least you're still alive" the Trooper said. He could barely believe the effort the girl made just for a bath.
"I don't want to live like this anymore, I'd rather die" the girl threatened.
The Trooper sighed, he seemed very annoyed at this and he soon walked off but he returned shortly afterwards with another trooper.
"Fine you get your wish, you may have a bath but in return you will scrub the kitchen floor tomorrow and if there is still time left after that we'll find some more jobs for you to do" the trooper said.
The girl got up excitedly, it was clear that she agreed to the terms.
The other captives looked jealous but they didn't dare stand up against them they'd probably get beaten or whipped. The girl just got very lucky.

Lion was still on the island where he'd been left but he didn't intend to stay there. He was frightened of leaving the island since he felt rather safe there but Elsa and Arven were his only chance of ever getting back to his home planet. Somehow he intended to follow them and help try and keep them alive if they died then he may never get home. As he followed the edge of the island round he eventually found a rowing boat tied to a tree on the island. The boat looked abandoned but it still looked like it was ship worthy. He quickly untied the boat and pushed it off the land and into the water. He then climbed into the boat and began to row the boat in the direction of where Elsa and Arven had headed.

On the main island the girl was in a lake with her clothes on and the trooper was standing by with the laser drawn in his hand. He clearly didn't trust the girl and was making sure she didn't try to run.
"I still don't see why I couldn't take a bath in the castle" the girl moaned.
"Bath has no meaning" the Trooper replied.
"How do you stay so clean if you don't bath?" the girl asked.
"Humans just get filfthy quick, we don't because we are superior" the Trooper replied.
The girl said no more, the Trooper didn't seem liked he wanted to talk but then the way they treated all the captives it was clear they hated them. The girl couldn't quite understand why they'd actually let her out to clean herself. It seemed completely against their style.
Arven and Elsa entered the area and Arven had a paintinator drawn in his hand that he had pointed at the Trooper.
"Drop the laser" Arven ordered.
The Trooper turned round and in a panic dropped his laser to the ground when he realised that Arven had a weapon.
The girl in the lake quickly grabbed the trooper and she pulled him back into the lake then she quickly climbed out.
The Trooper screamed in a very inhuman voice and then something came out of it but it disappeared into thin.
"What?" the girl asked stunned.
"They're parasites I think we just figured out their main weakness" Arven said as he lowered his paintinator.
"By the way I'm sorry to be rude but can't you afford a real gun?" the girl asked.
"We wasn't expecting this much trouble and seriously some people of the planets don't know a thing about some games let alone LittleBigPlanet fools people all the time this paint gun does" Arven said almost laughing.
"Cool but you want to be careful people may not always fall for it and then you may be the one caught in a trap" the girl said.
"I thank you for your concern but when someone is in trouble me and Elsa cannot simply stand by and watch them be hurt. I'm Arven by the way" Arven introduced.
"I'm Yuna Tallori I was a resident of this planet till the troopers attacked now they're holding us captive at their base. They've forced us into slavery and making us do all their cleaning while they stand by and simply watch for when we make a mistake. They just look for any excuse to start beating us" Yuna explained.
The Trooper got out of the water and picked up the laser and then he walked over to Arven.
"You might prefer to try taking this with you instead" the Trooper said.
Arven took the laser and smiled.
"Yeah no need to use it here I guess we just found a way to defeat the trooper without harming the human host" Arven said happily.
"Yeah it's horrible I can remember everything I was conscious the whole time I just didn't have any control over that demon" the ex Trooper explained.
"Does the castle still have water running through it?" Elsa asked the Trooper.
"Yeah the Troopers don't know it though and neither do they know what the bathrooms are for" the ex Trooper said.
Somehow in a way it was rather amusing, they didn't even know what the bathroom was for. In another way though it was very sad.
"I guess the demons don't have any access to your memory then" Arven gathered.
"I'm not sure there were times I felt like it was reading off my memories but it never knew what the bath was for and the information is stored in my brain so obviously it can't access everything if it can access anything stored in my brain to start with" the ex Trooper explained.
"You wouldn't happen to have any information on what those troopers are up to do you?" Elsa asked.
"Here there main goal is just make the lives of the people here a misery until they either kill them or the people kill themselves. The only reason the Troopers granted Yuna her wish was because they wanted her to suffer longer. Cruel but that's the truth behind it they are very hateful yet I think they were once humans themselves" the ex Trooper explained.
"Well if we get rid of these the universe will be safe" Arven said.
"Nope, there's an army headed toward another planet right now and their intentions hostile. There's a great legedary warrior on that planed named iSlayer. I think iSlayer can defend the planet but they could also do with some help" the ex Trooper explained.
"Well once we're done here we'd better find that planet" Arven said.
"Tranaka I think, I heard of iSlayer the great warrior from Tranaka" Elsa said.
"First things first" Arven said.

Super Ranger
Super Ranger

Posts : 193
Join date : 2011-05-02
Age : 40
Planet of Origin: : Zenneco


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The LittleBigPlanet Rangers Empty The Final Chapter

Post by Elsa Mon May 02, 2011 10:56 am


Elsa and Arven headed toward the main building where the Troopers were, of which Yuna had followed them to see if there was anything she could do to help though Elsa and Arven didn't particularly want her following since it would place her life in danger but she still followed them.
Elsa and Arven turned toward one another.
"I don't suppose you could turn that paintinator gun in a waterinator gun could you?" Elsa asked as a little joke.
Arven laughed, if only.
Elsa and Arven then continued on toward the building but they didn't really have a plan of action.
Yuna stopped following them she couldn't make up her mind now what to do since it was clear to her that they had no plan.
"Hold it right there, do not move" a threatening voice called behind Yuna. By this time Elsa and Arven were long gone.
Yuna stopped in fright.
"Are you human" the voice asked, this time he sounded more calm.
"A hundred percent" Yuna replied.
"Very well I'm LittleBigLion some friends of mine came across here called Elsa and Arven have you seen them?" LittleBigLion asked.
"Yes they're headed to the Trooper's building" Yuna replied and she pointed toward the point.
In the distance Elsa and Arven could be seen just entering the building.
LittleBigLion lowered his crossbow and made a run for the building.
"Wait, why are you after them?" Yuna asked as she ran after LittleBigLion.

Inside the building looked like a palace but there was several troopers standing in the area with guns drawn. Innocent slaves were on their knees scrubbing the floors while others were scrubbing the floors.
"Such ill treatment" Elsa said in concern.
The Trooper suddenly noticed them and pointed their lasers toward them.
"Surrender or die" one of the Troopers threatened them.
Elsa and Arven raised their hands to show they surrendeded they didn't have a choice they hadn't expected to be caught straight after entering.
Several more troopers soon arrived in the area.
"What's going off?" another trooper asked.
"These were caught entering the building" the Trooper replied that had threatened Elsa and Arven.
"Then they are intruders looking into stopping and getting rid of us troopers they must be destroyed immeidately waste no time" the Trooper ordered that had just arrived and then he walked off.
The Trooper that had threatened Elsa and Arven then turned toward the other Troopers.
"You heard him, kill them" the Trooper ordered them.
LittleBigLion walked right into the building with his crossbow and pointed it up at the pipe on the ceiling, he didn't waste time in firing and he quickly put a bolt through the pipe. Water started to pour out from the crack where the bolt had gone through the pipe.
The evil spirits came out of the troopers and water began to flood the building.
"Get the captives and everyone out of here" Arven said the ex Troopers.
"Of course" one of the ex Troopers agreed.
Elsa walked up to LittleBigLion.
"Hey Lion I thank you that was very good thinking I guess you knew about the water too" Elsa said.
"On my way here i met a girl called Yuna but before that I met someone she knew that had been a trooper and he told me then Yuna told me you'd come here so I came to the rescue" LittleBigLion explained.
Most of the Troopers were down in the dungeon keeping an eye on the prisoners and the water soon trickled down there and took those troopers by surprise.

Quite a while later Yuna was stood outside of the building with LittleBigLion, Elsa and Arven.
"Thanks to you everyone is restored that is the troopers they've been freed of their evil and you got all the troopers too none of the troopers could escape that building without getting in the water. That was a great idea of yours flooding the building" Yuna said.
"It was Lion's actually" Arven said.
"I just did it to try and help but I guess it did a lot of good" LittleBigLion said.
"That was brilliant you deserve a kiss" Elsa said.
"Ugh, no" LittleBigLion said in disgust.
"Anyway I'm afraid we should be leaving we have another planet to visit straight after here and you'll be fine for the time being Yuna you did well standing up to the Troopers very daring indeed but maybe next time don't put your life in danger" Arven said.
"To be quite honest I didn't think anyone would ever help us I kinda wanted them to die. There was no bravery in my actions at all with how the troopers had been treating us I kinda just felt my life slipping away many of the others were still happy to be alive but me I couldn't live like that any longer. I didn't really want the troopers to give me what I wanted I wanted and expected them to kill me but all is well that ends well and our people are more than safe for now thanks to you. Next time I won't give up on life so easily, you just neverk know..." Yuna said.
Arven, Elsa and LittleBigLion turned and walked away.
Yuna turned and walked back into the main city.

Once Elsa, Arven and LittleBigLion teleported aboard the spaceship, LittleBigLion sat down and put his feet up.
"Right now you will take me home" LittleBigLion ordered.
"We have another planet to visit first then we'll take you home I have a home to go to as well" Arven said.
"I want to go home now" LittleBigLion demanded angrily.
"Tough you'll have to wait besides there is no danger ahead we're just going to go to this planet with the legendary warrior iSlayer and then we''ll take you home" Arven promised.
"iSlayer you say? Oooh I'd love to meet him I wonder if there's some pen and paper somewhere I'd love his autograph his name is spoken throughout the entire galaxies he's that good. I'm more than happy to go meet with him" LittleBigLion said excitedly.
"Maybe this time since the planet may have a trooper problem perhaps we can get some water pistols" Arven suggested.
"There are swords, daggers, crossbows, bows and arrows, slingshots, water pistols, lasers and more in the weaponry locker" SackRacer explained.
"Do you have some bolts? I could use more bolts for my crossbow?" LittleBigLion asked.
"There is also plenty of weapons ammunition in there including arrows, bolts, and there are even bombs too" SackRacer said.
"Ooooh" LittleBigLion said excitedly. He didn't say another word he just ran off the flight deck excitedly.
"SackRacer does LittleBigLion have a ranger compatibility?" Arven asked.
"Yes -7%" SackRacer said.
"Minus" Elsa said rather shocked.
"Afraid so, once the next adventure is over and done with LittleBigLion must go home. He doesn't have what it takes to be a ranger and his low ranger percentage that goes into minus clearly states that" SackRacer said.
"How sad I think he has a nice side to him I mean putting a bolt through the pipe was real clever we'd probably be dead if it wasn't for him" Elsa said sadly.
"Yeah but SackRacer is right, he saved our lives but he wants to go home and he doesn't have what it takes to be a ranger anyway he's better off home" Arven said.
Elsa then sat in silence as the spaceship headed to their next destination while LittleBigLion helped himself to a big supply of bolts for his crossbow from the weaponry locker aboard the rangers spaceship.
The End .
Super Ranger
Super Ranger

Posts : 193
Join date : 2011-05-02
Age : 40
Planet of Origin: : Zenneco


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